Safety Plans

Mental health Safety Plans

A mental health safety plan is a tool designed to help support yourself or those who may be struggling with mental wellbeing.

It’s often difficult to think clearly if you are feeling low, overwhelmed, anxious or even having thoughts of suicide. 

Safety plans are created during a period of clarity, either by yourself or in partnership with your support network or a medical professional.

Implementing a safety plan will provide strategies to help keep you Sayf.

When should you use your safety plan?

When you are starting to feel worse, low or overwhelmed.

If you find yourself starting to hit orange on Sayf, we recommend this is a good time to start referring to your safety plan.

What should I include in my safety plan?

Identify some key ‘things’ that have helped you in the past. This might include going for a walk, playing sports or having a coffee with a friend.

Your plan does not need to be limited to one ‘thing’, you can list multiple ‘things’ and pick which feels right in the moment.

You might like to include some distractions that might help rest your mind or distract your negative thoughts.

This might include looking at photos from a past holiday, watching a movie or playing a board game.

If you feel you are at risk of suicide or self harm, you might like to include a checklist you can use to keep you and your space safe such as removing sharp objects, medication or alcohol.

What should I do with my safety plan?

Keep it safe and keep it with you at all times.

It can help to share it with your support crew so they have an idea of things they can do to help you when you hit orange or start to feel a bit average.



Use the Beyond Blue online Safety Plan tool to build your own safety plan.
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Reach Out have put together documentation around the implementation and use of Safety Plans for Mental Health.
Read More

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For 24/7 crisis support call Lifeline on 13 11 14.